Function toStringzNGC

Convert a D string to a C style null terminated pointer

auto mecca.lib.string.toStringzNGC toStringzNGC (
  string dString

The function uses a static buffer in order to keep the string whie needed. The function's return type is a custom type that tracks the life time of the pointer. This type is implicitly convertible to char* for ease of use.

Most cases can use the return type as if it is a pointer to char:, flags);

If keeping the pointer around longer is needed, it should be stored in a variable of type auto:

auto fileNameC = toStringzNGC(fileName);

This can be kept around until end of scope. It can be released earlier with the release function:



dString the D string to be converted to zero terminated format.


A custom type with a destructor, a function called release(), and an implicit conversion to char*.